Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Oatmeal for the fabulous

Okay, so if you only try ONE of my recipes, I would like to suggest that you make THIS ONE. This "Out of this world" recipe takes boring oatmeal to a whole new level. Alright, so here is what you do: combine 1/2 cup of oatmeal (straight up oats. not that packaged sugar-filled crap!) with 1 cup of water and about 1 to 2 tbsp of loose leaf tea (I use Teavana, something nutty or chai). microwave for 1 minute. Then add one banana sliced, a handful of blackberries, a half cup of kashi "go lean crunch" cereal, 1 to 2 tbsp of peanut butter, a dash of flaxseed, a dash of cinnamon and one packet of stevia if you want extra sweetnener. Microwave the entire mixture for 45 seconds to a minute, depending on how hot you like it :)
so why does this oatmeal make you fabulous?----*The tea basically acts as a flavor in the oatmeal without all that artificial stuff and adds caffeine if it's caffeinated! *Peanut butter adds a creamy texture, healthy fats and protein. *Kashi adds protein and crunch. *Flaxseed adds omega-threes. *Blackberries adds a natural sweetness and fruity touch. *Bananas just taste awesome and have lots of potassium. *Cinnamon adds an extra spice and has many health benefits such as improving memory, preventing blood clot, lowering blood sugar, etc. *The stevia just adds some more sweetness if you have a sweet tooth and it doesn't add any extra calories or sketchy ingredients. *Last but not least, the oatmeal itself helps regulate/lower our cholesterol levels, is high in fiber and has a decent amount of protein (10g in 1 cup)

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