Friday, January 4, 2013

Power Foods

FOUR of the most INCREDIBLY POWERFUL FOODS: Soy--- soy can be found in so many products-- tofu, soymilk, tempeh, edemame, soy yogurt, you name it! It is loaded with protein and prevents us from many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many more. It also had the perfect combination of carbs and protein for after a workout.
Flaxseed------ flaxseed is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish. however, fish is contaminated with mercury. Flaxseed has fiber and antioxidants too. It also prevents many diseases just like soy. Flaxseed can be used in just about anything from waffles, to oatmeal to smoothies.
Spinich--- great source of iron. Spinich has more iron than red meat on a per calorie basis, and doesn't include the high saturated fats or cholesterol that come with red meat. Spinich also has antioxidants, helps immunity, vision, digestion, skin, bones, blood pressure, pretty much everything. spinich is great on sandwiches, pastas and salads.
Sprouts--- sprouts are like magic. they have a higher concentration of nutrients because they are afterall, sprouts! this means that they come right after the seed. These nutrient rich beauties are also easily digested and help aid in weight loss. sprouts are great on sandwiches and salads.

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